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Where to Report When You Move

City administration-related procedures

If you move into or within Shibuya City, you must register your change of address so that we can update your residence record.
When you move out of Shibuya City or out of Japan, please file a moving-out notification at the Shibuya City Office.
In addition, if you move into Shibuya City from outside of Japan, or if you were living in Shibuya City on a short-term visa but have obtained a medium- or long-term stay visa, you must complete residence registration procedures.

Type of Notification

Notification Period

What to Bring

Notification of moving to Shibuya City from overseas

Within 14 days of moving to Shibuya City

Your residence card (or passport, if your residence card will be issued at a later date) or special permanent resident certificate Note: Household members may be required to submit documentation verifying their relationship to the head of the household.

Notification of acquiring a medium- or long-term visa

Within 14 days after acquiring medium- or long-term visa status

Your residence card (or passport, if your residence card will be issued at a later date) or special permanent resident certificate Note: Household members may be required to submit documentation verifying their relationship to the head of the household.

Notification of moving to Shibuya City from another municipality in Japan

Within 14 days of moving to Shibuya City

Your moving-out certificate and residence card (or special permanent resident certificate) Your My Number card (only if you have one)

Notification of change of address (when moving within Shibuya City)

Within 14 days of moving

Your residence card (or special permanent resident certificate) and NHI card (if you have one) Your My Number card (only if you have one)

Notification of moving out of Shibuya City

From 14 days before moving

Documentation verifying the ID of the person filing the notification, such as a residence card, NHI card (if you have one), or personal seal registration card (if registered) Note: When you file a moving- out notification, you will receive a moving-out certificate, or the like.

Notification of moving out of Japan

Before you move out

Documentation verifying the ID of the person filing the notification, such as a residence card, NHI card (if you have one), or personal seal registration card (if registered) Your My Number card (only if you have one)

If your child is going to change schools, notify the school they are currently attending about the transfer and obtain a certificate of enrollment and a textbook allowance certificate from that school. Report to the board of education administering your new address, taking your residence card (or special permanent resident certificate) and the preceding documentation, and complete the proper change of address procedures. A change of address notification is required even if your child will not be changing schools.
Note: If you are under 16 years of age and have not yet
switched to a special permanent resident certificate, your foreign resident registration card will be considered your special permanent resident certificate.

Procedures related to daily living

Electricity and gas

Contact the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tokyo Customer Center, Tel:0120-995-001) and the Tokyo Gas Company Customer Center (Tel:0570-002211) one or two weeks before the move.


Contact the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Waterworks (Customer Center, Tel:5326-1100) before the move as early as possible.


Appointments are required for installation work at your new address. Making an appointment is recommended as soon as your date of moving is decided. Call 116 (no area code necessary). If you are calling from a mobile phone, the number is Tel:0120-116-000.

Post office

To forward mail for one year, fill in the necessary information on the change of address forms available at the post office nearest you.


Banks where you have your accounts must be notified of your change of address.

Driver’s license

Report your change of address to your local police or driver’s license test center. Your residence card or special permanent resident certificate verifying your new address is necessary.