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Public Nursing Care Insurance
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Public Nursing Care Insurance is a mutual support program in which society as a whole is responsible for ensuring nursing care for the elderly, rather than the family bearing the burden alone.
Shibuya City operates the program as the insurer, and residents who are 40 years of age or older, as insured members, pay premiums and take advantage of the nursing care services upon receiving authorization of nursing care need.
Residents of foreign nationality are also required by law to enroll in the program.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Public Nursing Consultation Section
Enrollment in the Public Nursing Care Insurance program
Members of medical health insurance who are between 40 and 64 years of age and those who are 65 years of age or older with a period of stay of one year or longer are required to enroll in this program.
Those who are 65 years of age or older will be issued a nursing care insurance certificate.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Premium Collection Section
Insurance Premiums
Those who are 40 years of age or older must pay nursing care insurance fees.
Category 1 insured persons (Those who are 65 years of age or older)
The municipality first determines the basic amount based on the level of the nursing care services and the number of members.
Next, the insurance fees are determined in levels adjusted according to the income of each member.
The premiums of pension recipients are deducted from their pensions.
Category 2 insured persons (Between 40 and 64 years of age)
The municipality first determines the basic amount based on the level of the nursing care services and the number of members.
Next, the insurance fees are determined in levels adjusted according to the income of each member.
The premiums of pension recipients are deducted from their penNursing care insurance fees are added to the costs for the health insurance of enrollment and paid as one insurance premium.
That is, those who are enrolled in the health insurance plan at their place of employment or mutual aid association pay their nursing care insurance fees together with their health insurance premiums, which are deducted from their regular salary.
Furthermore, for those who are enrolled in the National Health Insurance plan, the head of the household pays the sum of the health insurance and nursing care insurance premiums as the National Health Insurance premium.
The nursing care insurancesions.premium amount varies according to the insurance program of enrollment.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Premium Collection Section
Who is eligible for these services
Category 1 insured persons
individuals who need nursing care at all times and need assistance with daily activities at home such as housework.
Category 2 insured persons
individuals who need nursing care or assistance with daily activities due to one or more of the 16 specified illnesses resulting from aging, such as presenile dementia and cerebrovascular diseases.
Category 1 members whose functional skills for everyday life are recognized as decreasing (based on the results of a basic checklist), or are evaluated as needing nursing care and receive nursing care need authorization, and Category 2 members who are evaluated as needing nursing care and receive nursing care need authorization can take advantage of nursing care services.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Screening Authorization Section
Public Nursing General Services Section
Application procedures for nursing care services
- Complete the application procedures for Nursing Care Need Authorization. Submit completed application form to the booth at City Hall or your local Community Comprehensive Support Center. Category 2 Insured Persons (aged 40-64) will need a copy of their health insurance card.
- After the application is received, the level of need for nursing care is determined by the Nursing Care Authorization Board based on a home inspection and on the recommendation of the family physician.
- The Nursing Care Need Authorization is valid for a designated amount of time (as a rule, six to 12 months).
If you would like to continue using the services, you must apply for renewal.
Note: Basic checklists are handled at Community Comprehensive Support Centers.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Screening Authorization Section
Use of services
- A care plan (nursing care services plan) is devised based on the results of nursing care need suthorization or the Basic Checklist.A Care Manager (a nursing care specialist) draws up a plan that is suitable to the user and his/her family after consultations with them.
- After the Care Plan is established, contracts with the service professionals are finalized.Services include those which can be received at home and those which can be received at facilities while institutionalized.
- As a rule, 10, 20 or 30 percent of the user fee must be personally borne, while the remaining percentage Public Nursing Care Insurance covers the remainder.
However, if user fees exceed the designated limit, the difference must be entirely personally borne.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Senior Citizens’ Nursing Care Benefits Section
Public Nursing General Services Section
Consultation and complaints concerning nursing care
Please call if you have any concerns or problems regarding the nursing care services you have received.
Public Nursing Insurance Division, Public Nursing Consultation Section
TEL:3463-3304 or TEL:3463-2137
Health and Welfare
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